

22 Jun 2019

10 Tips for bring under control the WordPress Content Editor

10 Tips for bring under control the WordPress Content Editor

Majority of WordPress users expend maximum of their time using the content editor to write posts and make pages. WordPress comes with an intuitive Gutenberg block editor that is very light to use.
However, as a power user, you can significantly increment your productivity by instruction some of the smaller-known tricks. This would allow you to make highly engaging content in few time.
In this article, we will share our expert-tips for bring under control the WordPress content editor. These indication will teach you how to use the WordPress content editor like a pro.

1. Learn Basic Blocks

Blocks are the principal building elements of the WordPress content editor, it is  referred to as the block editor
Each element inside your content is creat up of blocks. By default, WordPress comes with much of usually used blocks such as paragraph, lists, images, galleries, and more.
You can usage these blocks to make beautiful content layouts. This makes it important to explore various blocks and learn how you can use them in your content. We will reference some of the blocks later in this article as well.

2. Keyboard Shortcuts

It is unskilled to move the mouse just to make some text bold or add a link. The content editor comes with various useful keyboard shortcuts that helps you realize common formatting tasks without using the mouse.Using keyboard shortcuts help you save time and ready to faster writer.

3. Change Font Size in WordPress Visual Editor

We understand that typography plays a very momentous role in web content. You may want to use several font sizes to control your audience’s attention or highlight several sections in a lengthy article.Simply select the block  to change the font size, and you will glance the font size option in the block settings on the right.

4. Add Headings into Articles

Headings play an significant role to successful readability. It is important for SEO. Using your focus keywords in headings helps search engines feel the importance of those keywords.The content editor makes it easy to add headings . just select a heading block  then select a heading size and text alignment from the block settings.

5. Adding Columns to Posts

WordPress content editor  built-in column block, which allows to add content into columns. This makes it simple to give your text such as a magazine .just select and add a columns block to your editor. You can select the number of columns you want to add from the block settings.Evry column will automatically contain a paragraph block. You can simply add any other blocks that you need inside each column. For

6.Adding Image Next to Text

In older versions of WordPress, it was fully challenging to add an image right next to few text with proper alignment. It was a big problem to fixed with the Media & Text block.It allows  to add an image next to the text block. It automatically synthesize the width and spacing between the two blocks.

7. Adding YouTube Videos in WordPress

upload videos to your WordPress site.  WordPress is not made to be used as a streaming platform and most of WordPress hosting companies cannot be serve large files adequately.Our recommendation to uploading your videos on YouTube or other stream sites then embed them into your WordPress posts and pages.

8.Add Buttons in WordPress Posts and Pages

Buttons play a significant role when you need to add a call to action into  WordPress posts or pages.The content editor comes with a basic button block that lets you swiftly add a button into your content.The button comes with  styles: squared, rounded, and with a border.also select the background, text color and align the button to center, left, or right.

9.Add Custom HTML in WordPress Posts 

The content editor in WordPress is a entirely visual WYSIWYG editor. However  add HTML code if you need to.The simple way to do this is by adding the Custom HTML block to post. After that, you can simply paste the HTML that you wanna add.

10.Add Widgets into Your Posts

Widgets are fully similar to the blocks. They allow  to add web elements to  WordPress site without adding code.Typically widgets are generally used in sidebars or footer area of a website. However, you can also add some widgets to the content area.Just look for the Widgets section under the add blocks button. From here, you can use the generally used widgets in your posts and pages.

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